Category: English News

Yoon Praising Japan on March First

Improperly honoring the sacred memorial day on which Korea declared its Independence address by South Korean President Yoon praising Japan was a mistake. The words about Japan being a cooperative partner were a terrible thing for any Korean to say on March First. It was an insult of shameful words to the Independence Movement Patriots and their families. I was shocked to hear it when I watched President Yoon’s speech.

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A Statement on the Emergency Situation in South Korea by the Overseas Candlelight Action

The current Yoon Suk-yeol government is downgrading South Korea’s national stature. It is disheartening to witness South Korea becoming an international laughing stock as press suppression, regression of democracy, specter of war, diplomatic blunders have increased during his administration thus far and have tainted South Korea’s image as an advanced nation on a global stage.

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